Free to use Group of People on a Conference Room | Pexels by Christina Morillo
Free to use Group of People on a Conference Room | Pexels by Christina Morillo
Following is a summary of Tuesday night’s City Council Workshop. To watch the meeting, visit
Special Meeting
Public Comments
Correspondence and Council Comments
Park Board met to determine possible locations for the inclusive playground. The Board selected three locations for further study: the former YDC property, Middleton Road, and City Hall.
A Council member thanked the Hudson Police Department for helping when their car broke down.
Council asked about the status of the blended zoning concept.
Council inquired about looking into lighting on the greens for better visibility, particularly for seniors.
The Mayor of Macedonia is offering City staff a tour of their Recreation Center. Contact the Mayor for more information.
View the Council Comments Section of the video to see the full discussion.
Resolution to retroactively enter an agreement with Roderick Linton Belfance, LLP for special litigation counsel services in connection with Kowalski v. the City of Hudson litigation. Second reading. Motion to suspend the rules. Passed 6-0. Motion to pass. Passed 6-0. One member not present.
Meeting Adjourned
Council Comments
Discussion Items
Capital Projects Update. Staff provided an update on major Capital Improvement Projects for 2023-2024. Projects can be viewed in detail at:
Traffic Safety Study in Reserve at River Oaks Subdivision. Staff performed a traffic study to determine if an additional stop sign is warranted based on resident concerns for speeding in the subdivision. They also looked at what could be done besides signage to bring awareness to the stop sign. Staff has made a number of improvements. Council agreed to wait and see how the current improvements work before considering more costly options.
Reserve at River Oaks Open Space – Trail Dedication. Council discussed the previous open space dedication approvals for the Reserve at River Oaks subdivision. Walking trail was amenity in the plan when they purchased their homes. City will work with HOA on how to help.
Downtown Organization Research. Staff researched how peer communities manage their downtown districts. The research was pursued to compare the Hudson community’s framework to other communities and see what other frameworks are in use to determine any improvements that may be appropriate. Staff members on this project were unavailable so it will be discussed at the 3/14 meeting.
Future Consent Agenda
Culvert replacement project on SR91. ODOT plans to replace the bridge over the stream on SR 91 by Yours Truly this summer. There is no cost to the City for this ODOT project. Because ODOT has made arrangements with Norfolk Southern Railroad to work under the railroad bridge, it is the ideal time to widen the sidewalk under the bridge. This would be an additional project that would be paid for by the City of Hudson. The sidewalk would be part of Veterans Trail Phase 5 which is in the City’s Connectivity Plan. Council asked that staff put out a survey to residents to see if they want the City to widen the existing sidewalk on the west side of SR 91 under the existing Norfolk Southern Railroad Bridge at a cost to the City of $370,711 to better accommodate bike and pedestrian traffic under the railroad bridge. The Survey is available at:
Future Agenda Items
Sunshine Week, March 12.
Developmental Disabilities Awareness month.
Recognition for David Lehman.
Resolution to thank Beth Bigham for serving on City Council.
Meeting Adjourned
Original source can be found here.