
Akron Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

East Market Street Resurfacing

The City of Akron will be conducting resurfacing for 3.5 miles along East Market Street, between High Street and the I76 westbound ramp, as well as incorporating a lane reduction between East Buchtel Avenue and Case Avenue as well as between Innovation Way and I76.  Construction is expected to occur in 2024.  The deteriorated asphalt roadway pavement will be resurfaced within the project limits.  Utility castings in the road will be adjusted to better match the pavement surface elevation for a smoother riding surface.  Curb ramps will be constructed where missing and those in poor condition or not ADA compliant will be replaced.

Lane Reduction:

A review of traffic accident data showed a total of 238 accidents from 2018 to current on East Market Street between East Buchtel Avenue and Case Avenue.  Traffic accidents from 2018 to current total 131 on East Market between Innovation Way and I76.  Many of these accidents are contributed to rear end collisions when vehicles are stopping or slowing down in a travel lane. Sideswipe accidents from changing lanes make up 66 of the crashes.  These types of accidents may be reduced by changing the roadway striping from two travel lanes in each direction to one travel lane in each direction with a two-way left turn lane in the middle of the roadway. The reduction in travel lanes affects East Buchtel Avenue to I76 and is not expected to have any detrimental effects on travel time.

This type of resurfacing is recognized as a proven safety countermeasure by the Federal Highway Administration.  Studies demonstrate that it can reduce vehicle-to-vehicle crashes and lower vehicle speeds through the corridor.

Questions, comments, and concerns may be sent by June 19, 2023, via email to CJonke@akronohio.gov or they can be mailed to:

Akron Engineering Bureau

166 South High Street

Design Division Room 701

Akron, Ohio 44308

Attn:  Matthew Neff

Original source can be found here.